Pupil premium
PPG – The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced by the government in April 2011 and is a payment given to schools by the government, to support children from families on lower incomes to ensure they have all possible opportunities to make the same progress as their peers.
Children receive the pupil premium grant or ‘PPG’ if they are eligible for free school meals (year 3 and above), or if the household income is below a certain amount. Further details can be obtained from the school office, on how to apply for the grant.
At Husborne Crawley Lower School we spend our Pupil Premium Grant to support our children, in a range of ways:
Small group work or one to one teaching, led by an experienced teacher, in Literacy and in Maths
Timetabled opportunities for children to discuss their targets and how they are progressing towards their next steps for learning
Small group work or one to one work, with a teaching assistant, to support learning in Phonics and Key Words
Resources to support the teaching of intervention programmes, for example the Numicon Maths programme, and Phonics resources including books and games
Music lessons to ensure all our children have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument and learn how to read music
Educational After-School Clubs
Breakfast Club from 8am
What impact does this have for our Pupil Premium children?
Please click here to see the latest analysis of progress made by disadvantaged children at our school: Husborne-Crawley-Pupil-Premium-Grant-Expenditure The impact is reviewed and reported to governors on a termly basis. The expenditure will be reviewed and updated annually.